Inspired by Japanese anime, Ultimate Mecha is a brand new animated show that uniquely blends Mecha action with Slice Of Life storylines
The show centers on Xora, a powerful cyborg who wakes from a cryofreeze pod into the strange and dangerous city of Ion Zero. With missing memories and deadly androids hunting her down, Xora embarks on an epic quest to retrace her past and discover who she once was. With her new robot friend, Jett, by her side, she must learn to master her bionic powers, confront the dark secrets of her past, and become the ultimate hero thatIon Zero needs!
Ryan Russell is a passionate, dedicated, and multi-talented actor and voiceover artist who works hard at every single role he lands, from small day players to larger principals. An avid admirer of Japanese anime, Ryan was inspired to produce his first animated film, Yama– a low budget, two-minute micro short which was accepted into multiple film festivals and garnered a nomination for Best Animation. After Yama’s success, Ryan wanted to-harness his love of storytelling and world-building to create a larger-scale project and a unique show that could capture the hearts and imaginations of anime fans of all ages.
Ultimate Mecha’s story unfolds in two different settings with two different timelines:the futuristic city of Ion Zero, and the quaint town of Ocean Way from Xora’s past. In the present, Xora battles her way through a sprawling city of tomorrow filled with skyscrapers that pierce the heavens and bikes that soar through the skies.
ULTIMATE MECHA Kickstarter will be launching in fall 2023